
发布时间:2025/03/14 来源:暨南大学力学与建筑工程学院


开明峰博士,国家高层次青年人才,教授,博导。长期致力于水泥基复合材料、固废资源化利用、分子模拟与多尺度计算方法等领域研究。在实验工作中,他研究开发了多种绿色材料,如工业废料改性水泥、海水搅拌水泥、FRP增强混凝土、垃圾焚烧飞灰基地聚物、废碱激发地聚物、以及地聚物辐射制冷涂层。这些材料不仅满足性能要求,而且符合环保规格,部分已被用于实际工程。在模拟工作中,结合密度泛函理论(DFT)、分子动力学(MD)和有限元方法(FEM),研究了水泥基、地聚物基材料的多尺度(即电子、原子、微观、介观和宏观尺度)材料机制和性能。此外,他将实验和模拟方法相结合开发纳米改性材料,如碳纳米管增强水泥/地聚物,氧化石墨烯增强水泥,Si掺杂石墨烯增强地聚物等。至今,主持香港创新科技署资助项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金等 5 项,累计主持金额约300万人民币。目前,在领域顶级刊物CCR,CCC,JHM,ES等发表学术论文35 篇,其中SCI检索 33 篇,第一/通讯作者 25 篇。















主持,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, titled “基于分子模拟地聚物徐变机理与多尺度性能研究

主持Start-up Fund for RAPs under the Strategic Hiring Scheme, titled “Atomistic study of FRP-to-concrete bond degradation subjected to moisture attack” 

主持One-line Budget of PolyU (UGC), titled “Sub-ambient Daytime Radiative Cooling Coating for Mitigating the Urban Heat Island Effect” 

主持,Post-doctoral Fund (Research Talent Hub), titled “Research & Development on FRP-Reinforced UHPC Formwork for Semi-Prefabricated Construction of Marine Concrete Structures” 

主持PolyU Technology & Consultancy Company Limited (PTeC), titled “Strengthening of Marine Concrete Structures using Inorganically Bonded FRP Micro-bars”

主持Innovation and Technology Fund - Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Cooperation Funding Scheme, titled “Innovative Concrete Technology with Man-made Lightweight Geopolymer Aggregates from Full Volume Solid Wastes”


1. Liu, W., Kai, M. F.*, Zhang P., H., & Dai, J. G.* (2024). Three-dimensional finite element modeling of debonding failure of skew FRP-bonded concrete joints, Engineering Structures, 303, 117537. (中科院1区,TOP)

2. Liu, J., Lau, D., Kai, M. F.*, & Dai, J. G.* (2025). Nanoscale origin of bilinear stress-strain response of polyethylene terephthalate fiber in tension. Materials Today Communications, 42, 111146.

3. Iwama, K., Kai, M. F.*, Dai, J. G.*, Zhang, P., Wang, P., Poon, C. S., ... & Maekawa, K. (2024). Physicochemical-mechanical simulation of the short-and long-term performance of FRP reinforced concrete beams under marine environments. Engineering Structures308, 118051. (中科院1区,TOP)

4. Kai, M. F., Liu, J. H., Tang, Z., & Dai, J. G. (2024). Meso-mechanics of packed CSH colloids by nanoindentation: A coarse-grained molecular dynamics study. Construction and Building Materials423, 135856. (中科院1区,TOP)

5. Zhang, P., Manzano, H., Kai, M. F.*, & Dai, J. G. * (2024). Behaviors and influences of water confined within the CSH interlayer: A quenched solid density functional theory study. Cement and Concrete Research184, 107600. (中科院1区,TOP)

6. Lan, J., Dong, Y., Kai, M. F.*, Hou, H., & Dai, J. G.* (2024). Investigation of waste alkali-activated cementing material using municipal solid waste incineration fly ash and dravite as precursors: mechanisms, performance, and on-site application. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 133416. (中科院1区,TOP)

7. Hayat, U., Kai, M. F.*, Hu-Bao, A., Liew, J. X., & Dai, J. G.* (2024). Atomic-level investigation into the transport of NaCl solution in porous cement paste: The effects of pore size and temperature. Journal of Building Engineering86, 108976. (中科院2区,TOP)

8. Xuan, Q., Yang, N., Kai, M. F.*, Wang, C., Jiang, B., Liu, X., ... & Zhao, B*. (2024). Combined daytime radiative cooling and solar photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system for year-round energy saving in buildings. Energy304, 132178. (中科院1区,TOP)

9. Yang, N., Xue, S., Ahmad, M. R., Xuan, Q., Kai, M. F.*, & Dai, J. G.* (2024). Development of red mud-modified geopolymer coating with radiative cooling effect for footway application. Journal of Cleaner Production450, 141915. (中科院1区,TOP)

10. Yang, N., Liu, J. H., Kai, M. F.*, & Dai, J. G.* (2024). Geopolymer-based radiative cooling coating: Tailoring surface hydrophobic properties while retaining optical characteristics. Construction and Building Materials428, 136373. (中科院1区,TOP)

11. Xu, W., Tang, Z.*, Xie, Y., Long, G., Kai, M. F.*, Zhang, Z., ... & Zaland, S. (2024). Understanding the impact of synthesis parameters on the pore structure properties of fly ash-based geopolymers. Construction and Building Materials, 411, 134640. (中科院1区,TOP)

12. Kai, M. F., Hou, D. S., Sanchez, F., Poon, C. S., & Dai, J. G.* (2023). Nanoscale Insights into the Influence of Seawater (NaCl) on the Behavior of Calcium Silicate Hydrate. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(18), 8735-8750.

13. Khan, M., Lao, J., Ahmad, M. R., Kai, M. F.*, & Dai, J. G.* (2023). The role of calcium aluminate cement in developing an efficient ultra-high performance concrete resistant to explosive spalling under high temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 384, 131469. (中科院1区,TOP)

14. Kai, M. F., Sanchez, F., Hou, D. S., & Dai, J. G.* (2023). Nanoscale insights into the interfacial characteristics between calcium silicate hydrate and silica. Applied Surface Science, 616, 156478. (中科院2区,TOP)

15. Mi, R., Zhang, Z., Ji, W., Liu, S., Kai, M. F.*, & Tan, Y.* (2023). Solidification/stabilisation behaviours of Zn2+ in magnesium potassium phosphate cement: Experiments and density functional theory study. Environmental Research, 116247. (中科院1区,TOP)

16. Kai, M. F., Li, G., Yin, B. B.*, & Akbar, A.* (2023). Aluminum-induced structure evolution and mechanical strengthening of calcium silicate hydrates: an atomistic insight. Construction and Building Materials, 393, 132120. (中科院1区,TOP)

17. Khan, M., Kai, M. F.*, Ahmad, M. R., M., Lao, J., & Dai, J. G. Fire Performance of Fiber-reinforced Ultra-High-Performance Concrete: A state-of-the-art review. Journal of Asian Concrete Federation 9(1):65-102.

18. Kai, M. F., Ji, W. M., and Dai, J. G. (2022). Atomistic insights into the debonding of Epoxy–Concrete interface with water presence. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 271, 108668. (中科院1区,TOP)

19. Kai, M. F., & Dai, J. G. (2021). Understanding geopolymer binder-aggregate interfacial characteristics at molecular level. Cement and Concrete Research, 149, 106582. (中科院1区,TOP)

20. Kai, M. F., Zhang, L. W.*, & Liew, K. M.* (2021). New insights into creep characteristics of calcium silicate hydrates at molecular level. Cement and Concrete Research, 142, 106366. (中科院1区,TOP)

21. Kai, M. F., Zhang, L. W.*, & Liew, K. M.* (2021). Atomistic insights into structure evolution and mechanical property of calcium silicate hydrates influenced by nuclear waste caesium. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 411, 125033. (中科院1区,TOP)

22. Kai, M. F., Zhang, L. W.*, & Liew, K. M.* (2020). Carbon nanotube-geopolymer nanocomposites: a molecular dynamics study of the influence of interfacial chemical bonding upon the structural and mechanical properties. Carbon, 161, 772-783. (中科院2区,TOP)

23. Zhang, L. W.*Kai, M. F. (co-first author), & Chen, X. H. (2020). Si-doped graphene in geopolymer: Its interfacial chemical bonding, structure evolution and ultrastrong reinforcing ability. Cement and Concrete Composites, 109, 103522. (中科院1区,TOP)

24. Kai, M. F., Zhang, L. W.*, & Liew, K. M.* (2019). Graphene and graphene oxide in calcium silicate hydrates: Chemical reactions, mechanical behaviors and interfacial sliding. Carbon, 146, 181-193. (中科院2区,TOP)

25. Kai, M. F., Xiao, Y.*, Shuai, X. L., & Ye, G. (2017). Compressive behavior of engineered cementitious composites under high strain-rate loading. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29(4), 04016254. 
